Biomolécules d’Intérêt en Œnologie

Nos recherches visent : (1) à identifier les relations existant entre la composition et la qualité et/ou la typicité des vins, (2) à évaluer l’impact de la matière première et des procédés et produits œnologiques sur ces caractéristiques, afin de mieux les maîtriser et répondre aux enjeux environnementaux/sociétaux de la filière.
2690 bandeau (2)

Responsables Scientifiques : Thierry Doco & Aude Vernhet

Au travers de nos projets de recherche, nos travaux ont différents objectifs :

  • Caractériser la composition des raisins et des vins en polyphénols, glucides complexes hyperbranchés et composés d’arômes ;
  • Identifier les mécanismes impliqués dans leurs évolutions/modifications au cours des différentes étapes de la vinification, en lien avec leur réactivité chimique, l’action d’activités enzymatiques et leurs interactions physico-chimiques ;
  • Identifier l’impact sur ces évolutions des procédés et de leur conduite (fermentation en lien avec les équipes ADEL et FLAM, opérations mettant en œuvre des processus physiques et/ou physico-chimiques) ainsi que des produits œnologiques ;
  • Etablir des liens (prévision, modélisation) entre composition de la matière première, procédé et composition du produit fini ;
  • Relier la composition du produit fini à ses caractéristiques qualitatives (goût, couleur, perception des arômes, stabilité colloïdale, …), en relation avec les propriétés des composés et leurs interactions physico-chimiques.

Ces connaissances sont utilisées pour l’optimisation ou le développement de produits et procédés pour la maîtrise de la qualité des vins, en prenant en compte les nouvelles contraintes en termes de règlementation et d’environnement et les attentes des acteurs de la filière et des consommateurs.


Approches utilisées

Pour réaliser ses travaux de recherche notre équipe s’appuie sur des compétences en chimie analytique, chimie organique, biochimie, électrochimie et physico-chimie

Ces compétences permettent :

-          La mise en œuvre d’outils et de développements méthodologiques pour la caractérisation de la composition et de la structure des polyphénols, des oligo/polysaccharides, des composés d’arômes et de leurs évolutions. Ces développements sont réalisés en collaboration avec la plateforme polyphénols et le plateau analyse des composés volatils.

-          Le couplage d’études en solutions modèles et en milieux réels pour l’identification des mécanismes réactionnels ou biochimiques impliqués et leur validation.

-          L’étude à différentes échelles, en solutions modèles et en milieu réel, des interactions physico-chimiques et de leurs conséquences sur la composition et la qualité des vins ainsi que sur les performances des procédés/produits œnologiques.

-          L’analyse de l’impact des itinéraires viti-vinicoles et des procédés et produits œnologiques sur la composition et les caractéristiques sensorielles des vins, en collaboration avec le plateau analyse sensorielle de l’UMR


Thierry Doco

Chargé de Recherche INRAE

Tél : 04 99 61 25 85

Courriel :


Aude Vernhet

Professeur Institut Agro Montpellier

Tél : 04 99 61 27 58

Courriel :


Personnels :

Chercheurs, Enseignants-Chercheurs et Ingénieurs :

  • Thierry Doco (Resp. d'équipe)
  • François Garcia
  • Frédéric Mabille
  • Julie Mekoue Nguela (Détachée Lallemand)
  • Laetitia Mouls
  • Céline Poncet-Legrand
  • Peggy Rigou
  • Aurélie Roland
  • Cédric Saucier
  • Aude Vernhet (Resp. d’équipe)

Assistants-Ingénieurs et Techniciens :

  • Stéphanie Carrillo
  • Catherine Chabalier (30 %)
  • Yolanda Pereira (Détachée Lallemand)
  • Stéphanie Roi (50%)
  • Lucas Suc
  • Frédéric Véran

Doctorants :

  • Alice Argentero
  • Adriana Capozzi
  • Andréa Cesson
  • Rémi De La Burgade
  • Laurie Favières
  • Luca Garcia
  • Hippolyte Mouriot

Anciens doctorants :




Abi-Habib E., Vernhet A., Roi S., Carrillo S., Jørgensen B., Hansen J., Doco T. & Poncet-Legrand C. (2022) Impact of the variety on the adsorption of anthocyanins and tannins on grape flesh cell walls. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 102, 3379–3392.

Assunçao Bicca S., Poncet-Legrand C., Williams P., Mekoue Nguela J., Doco T., & Vernhet A. (2022) Structural characteristics of Saccharomyces cerevisiae mannoproteins: Impact of their polysaccharide part. Carbohydrate Polymers, 277, 118758.

Canalejo D., Guadalupe Z, Martínez-Lapuente L., Ayestaran B., Perez-Magarino S., & Doco T. (2022) Characterization of polysaccharide extracts recovered from different grape and winemaking products. Food Research International, 157, 111480.

Delcros L., Godet T., Collas S., Hervé M., Blondin B. & Roland A. (2022) Identification of a Glycosylated Fraction Involved in Mushroom Off-Flavors in Grapes: Influence of Gray Rot, Powdery Mildew and Crustomyces subabruptus. Molecules, 27, 7306.

Deshaies S., Sommerer N., Garcia F., Mouls L., Saucier C. (2022) UHPLC-Q-Orbitrap /MS2 identification of (+)-Catechin oxidation reaction dimeric products in red wines and grape seed extracts. Food Chemistry 382, 132505.

Dournes G., Verbaere A., Lopez F., Dufourcq T., Mouret J.-R. & Roland A. (2022) First characterisation of thiol precursors in Colombard and Gros Manseng: comparison of two cultivation practices. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research,

Garcia L., Perrin C., Nolleau V., Godet T., Farines V., Garcia F., Caillé S. & Saucier C. (2022) Impact of Acetaldehyde Addition on the Sensory Perception of Syrah Red Wines. Foods 11,1693.

Nicolle P., Gerzhova A., Roland A., Dagan L., Delpech S. , Gagné F. & Pedneault K. (2022) Thiol precursors and amino acids profile of white interspecific hybrid Vitis varieties and impact of foliar urea and sulfur supplementation on the concentration of thiol precursors in Vitis sp. Vidal berries. OENO One, 56–3, 357.

Paladines Quezada D.F., Gil Muñoz R., Apolinar Valiente R., Williams P., Fernández Fernández J.I. & Doco T. (2022) Effect of applying elicitors to Vitis vinifera L. cv. Monastrell at different ripening times on the complex carbohydrates of the resulting wines. European Food Research and Technology.

Pérez-Magariño S., Cano-Mozo E., Bueno-Herrera M., Canalejo D., Doco T., Ayestarán B. & Guadalupe Z. (2022) The Effects of Grape Polysaccharides Extracted from Grape By-Products on the Chemical Composition and Sensory Characteristics of White Wines. Molecules 27, 4815.

Pittari E., Piombino P., Andriot I., Cheynier V., Cordelle S., Feron G., Gourrat K., Le Quere J-L., Meudec E., Moio L., Neiers F., Schlich P. & Canon F. (2022) Effects of oenological tannins on aroma release and perception of oxidized and non-oxidized red wine: A dynamic real-time in-vivo study coupling sensory evaluation and analytical chemistry. Food Chemistry 372, 131229.

Wang X., Capone D.L., Roland A., Jeffery D.W. (2022) Impact of accentuated cut edges, yeast strain, and malolactic fermentation on chemical and sensory profiles of Sauvignon blanc wine. Food Chemistry 400 (2023) 134051.

Wang X., Capone D.L., Kanga W., Roland A., Jeffery D.W. (2022) Impact of accentuated cut edges (ACE) technique on volatile and sensory profiles of Shiraz wines. Food Chemistry 372, 131222.


Anaya-Castro M. A., M. Nigen, R. Apolinar-Valiente, N. Iturmendi, P. Williams, T. Doco, V. Moine, A. Massot, I. Jaouen, C. Sanchez (2021). La gomme d'Acacia senegal et ses propriétés de stabilisation colloïdale de la matière colorante des vins rouges jeunes. Revue Française d’œnologie, 180

Abi Habib E., C. Poncet-Legrand, S. Roi, S. Carrillo, T. Doco, A. Vernhet (2021). Impact of grape variety, berry maturity and size on the extractability of skin polyphenols during model wine-like maceration experiments. J. Sci. Food Agric. 101, 3257-3269,

Abi Habib E., A. Vernhet, S. Roi, S. Carrillo, B. Jørgensen, J. Hansen, T. Doco, C. Poncet-Legrand, (2021). Grape variety affects the adsorption of anthocyanins and tannins on grape flesh cell walls. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. JSFA-21-1968,

Apolinar-Valiente R., T. Salmon, P. Williams, M. Nigen, C. Sanchez, T. Doco, R. Marchal (2021). Acacia gums new fractions and sparkling base wines: how their biochemical and structural properties impact foamability? Food Chem. 354,

Apolinar-Valiente R., P. Williams, Doco. T. (2021). Recent advances in our knowledge of wine oligosaccharides. Food Chem. 342,

Benbouguerra N., R. Hornedo-Ortega, F. Garcia, T. El Khawand, C. Saucier, T. Richard. (2021) Stilbenes in grape berries and wine and their potential role as anti-obesity agents: A review. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 362-381,

Benbouguerra N., J. Valls-Fonayet, S. Krisa, F. Garcia, C. Saucier, T. Richard, R. Hornedo-Ortega (2021). Polyphenolic characterization of Merlot, Tannat and Syrah skin extracts at different degrees of maturity and anti-inflammatory potential in RAW 264.7. Cells. Foods, 10(3), 541 ;

Bonnaffoux H., A. Roland, R. Schneider, F. Cavelier (2021). Spotlight on release mechanisms of volatile thiols in beverages. Food Chem.339 ;

Deshaies S., L. Garcia, F. Veran, L. Mouls, C. Saucier, F. Garcia (2021). Red wine oxidation characterization by accelerated ageing tests and cyclic voltammetry. Antioxidants, 10(12), 1943 ;

Deshaies S., C. le Guernevé, L. Suc, L. Mouls, F. Garcia, C. Saucier (2021). Unambiguous NMR structural determination of (+)-catechin—laccase dimeric reaction products as potential markers of grape and wine oxidation. Molecules, 26(20), 6165 ;

Maupeu J., M. Paulin, C. Miot-Sertier, L. Dutilh, A. Vallet-Courbin, C. Delattre, T. Doco, P. Ballestra, W. Albertin, I. Masneuf-Pomerede, J. Coulon, M. Dols-Lafargue (2021). Traitement des vins au chitosane fongique : origine de la variabilité des résultats pour l’élimination de Brettanomyces bruxellensis. Revue Française d’œnologie, 179

Rigou P., J. Mekoue, N. Sieczkowski, T. Doco, A. Vernhet (2021). Impact of industrial yeast derivative products on the modification of the aroma compounds and sensorial profile of the wines. A review. Food Chem. 358;

Suc L., P. Rigou, L. Mouls (2021). Detection and identification of oxidation markers of the reaction of grape tannins with volatile thiols commonly found in wine. J. Agric. Food Chem.  69, 10, 3199–3208 ;

Wang X., D. L.Capone, A. Roland, D. W. Jeffery (2021). Chiral analysis of cis-2-methyl-4-propyl-1,3-oxathiane and identification of cis-2,4,4,6-tetramethyl-1,3-oxathiane in wine. Food Chem. 357.


Abbal P., Vernhet A., Abi-Habib E., Carrillo S., Ducasse M.A., Poncet-Legrand C. (2020). Mechanical tests and definition of new indexes of grape berry firmness. Evolution of berry skin hardness during alcoholic fermentation. Vitis 59, 163–168. DOI: 10.5073/vitis.2020.59.163-168.

Apolinar-Valiente R., Williams P., Nigen M., Mejia-Tamayo V., Doco T., Sanchez C. (2020) Fractionation of Acacia seyal gum by ion exchange chromatography. Food Hydrocolloids. 98, 105283.

Apolinar-Valiente R., Salmon T., Williams P., Nigen M., Sanchez C., Marchal R., Doco T. (2020) Influence of the addition of Acacia gums on the foamability of Sparkling base wines. Food Chem. 313, 126062.

Apolinar-Valiente R., Williams P., Doco T. (2020) Recent advances in our knowledge of wine oligosaccharides. Food Chem.

Benbouguerra N., Richard T., Saucier C., Garcia F. (2020) Voltammetric behavior, flavanol and anthocyanin contents, and antioxidant capacity of grape skins and seeds during ripening (Vitis vinifera var. Merlot, Tannat, and Syrah). Antioxidants. 9, 800; doi:10.3390/antiox9090800

Brandão E., Santos Silva M., García-Estévez I., Williams P., Mateus N., Doco T.,  de Freitas V., Soares S. (2020) Inhibition mechanisms of wine polysaccharides on salivary protein precipitation. J. Agric. Food Chem., 68, 2955-2963. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.9b06184

Deshaies S., Cazals G., Enjalbal C., Constantin T., Garcia F., Mouls L., Saucier C. (2020). Red wine oxidation: Accelerated ageing tests, possible reaction mechanisms and application to Syrah red wines. Antioxidants. 9, 663; doi:10.3390/antiox9080663

Dudoit A., Benbouguerra N., Richard T., Hornedo-Ortega R., Valls-Fonayet J., Coussot G., Saucier C. (2020) α-Glucosidase inhibitory activity of tannat grape phenolic extracts in relation to their ripening stages. Biomolecules. 10, 1088; doi:10.3390/biom10081088

Gil M., Reynes C., Cazals G., Enjalbal C., Sabatier R., Saucier C. (2020) Discrimination of rosé wines using shotgun metabolomics with a genetic algorithm and MS ion intensity ratios. Scientific Reports, 10:1170 |

Marchal R., Salmon T., Gonzalez R., Vrigneau C., Williams P., Doco T. (2020) Impact of Botrytis contamination on the characteristics and foaming properties of yeast macromolecules released during the alcoholic fermentation of a model grape juice. Molecules, 25, 472; doi:10.3390/molecules25030472

Pascotto K., Cheynier V., Williams P., Geffroy O., Violleau F. (2020) Fractionation and characterization of polyphenolic compounds and macromolecules in red wine by asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation. Journal of Chromatography A. 1629, 461464.

Paulin M., Miot-Sertier C., Dutilh L., Brasselet C., Delattre C., Pierre G., Dubessay P., Michaud P., Doco T., Ballestra P., Albertin W., Masneuf-Pomarède I., Moine V., Coulon J., Vallet-Courbin A., Maupeu J., Dols-Lafargue M. (2020)  Brettanomyces bruxellensis displays variable susceptibility to chitosan treatment in wine. Front. Microbiol., 11,

Ployon S., Attina A., Vialaret J., Walker A.S., Hirtz C., Saucier C. (2020) Laccases 2 & 3 as biomarkers of Botrytis cinerea infection in sweet white wines. Food Chemistry 315 (2020) 126233.

Rodríguez‑Bencomo J.J., Rigou P., Mattivi F., López F., Mehdi A. (2020) Removal of biogenic amines from wines by chemisorption on functionalized silica and effects on other wine components. Scientific Reports. 10:17279 |

Vernhet A., Carrillo S., Rattier A., Verbaere A., Cheynier V., Mekoue Nguela J. (2020) Fate of anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins during the alcoholic fermentation of thermovinified red Musts by Different Saccharomyces cerevisiae Strains. J. Agric. Food Chem. 68, 3615−3625.

Vernhet A., Meistermann E., Cottereau P., Charrier F., Chemardin P. and Poncet-Legrand C. (2020). Wine thermosensitive proteins adsorb first and better on bentonite during fining: Practical implications and proposition of alternative heat tests. J. Agric. Food Chem.

Wang X., Chen L., Capone D. L., Roland A., Jeffery D. W. (2020) Evolution and correlation of cis-2-methyl-4-propyl-1,3-oxathiane, varietal thiols, and acetaldehyde during fermentation of Sauvignon blanc juice. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry

Watrelot A., Le Guernevé C., Hallé H., Meudec E., Véran F., Williams P., Robillard B., Garcia F., Poncet-Legrand C., Cheynier V. (2020) Multimethod approach for extensive characterization of gallnut tannin extracts. J. Agric. Food Chem.


Abdel-Hamid R, Bakr A, Newair E, Garcia F (2019) Simultaneous voltammetric determination of gallic and protocatechuic acids in mango juice using a reduced graphene oxide-based electrochemical sensor. Beverages, 5 (1): 17.

Apolinar-Valiente R, Salmon T, Williams P, Nigen M, Sanchez C, Marchal R, Doco T (2019) Influence of the addition of Acacia gums on the foamability of Sparkling base wines. Food Chem. FOODCHEM-D-19-04162R1.

Apolinar-Valiente R, Williams P, Nigen M, Mejia-Tamayo V, Doco T, Sanchez C (2019) Recovery, structure and physicochemical properties of an aggregate-rich fraction from Acacia senegal gum. Food Hydrocolloids, 89, 864-873.

Ben Aziz M, Garcia F, Mouls L, Fulcrand H, Hajjaj H (2019) Proanthocyanidins and anthocyanins contents, chromatic and antioxidant properties of red grape pomaces from Morocco. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 13, Issue 3, pp 2051–2061.

Bordiga M, Williams P, Meudec E, Travaglia F, Arlorio M, Coïsson JD, Doco T (2019) The impact of distillation process on prebiotic activity of different oligosaccharidic fractions extracted from grape seeds. Food Chem. 285, 423-430.

Brandão E, Santos Silva M, García-Estévez I, Williams P, Mateus N, Doco T, de Freitas V, Soares S (2019) Inhibition mechanisms of wine polysacharides on salivary protein precipitation. J. Agric. Food Chem. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.9b06184.

Brasselet C, Pierre G, Dubessay P, Dols-Lafargue D, Coulon J, Maupeu J, Vallet-Courbin A, De Baynast H, Doco T, Michaud P, Delattre C (2019) Modification of chitosan: How generating new functional derivatives? Applied Sciences, Special Issue "Modification of Natural Polysaccharides for Valuable Functions". Appl.Sci. 9, 1321. ; DOI:10.3390/app9071321.

Gil M, Louazil P, Iturmendi N, Moine V, Cheynier V, Saucier C (2019) Effect of polyvinylpolypyrrolidone treatment on rosés wines during fermentation: Impact on color, polyphenols and thiol aromas. Food chemistry, 295, 493-498.

Giribaldi, Besson M, Suc L, Fulcrand H, Mouls L (2019) The use of extract ion chromatograms to analyze the composition of condensed tannins non-oxidized subunits. Rapid Communication in Mass Spectrometry.

Maury C, Sarni-Manchado P, Cheynier V (2019) Highlighting protein fining residues in a model red wine. Food Chem, 279, 272-278.

Mekoue Nguela J, Vernhet A, Julien-Ortiz A, Sieczkowski N, Mouret J-R (2019) Effect of grape must polyphenols on yeast metabolism during alcoholic fermentation. Food Research International, 121: 161-175.

Nigen M, Apolinar-Valiente R, Iturmendi N, Williams P, Doco T, Moine V, Massot A, Jaouen I, Sanchez C (2019) Colloidal stability of polyphenols in young red wine by Acacia gum: the major implication of arabinogalactan-proteins rich in proteins. Food Hydrocolloids, 97, 105-176.

Pérez-Navarro J, Cazals G, Enjalbal C, Izquierdo-Cañas P M, Gómez-Alonso S, Saucier C (2019) Flavanol glycoside content of grape seeds and skins of Vitis vinifera varieties grown in Castilla-La Mancha, Spain. Molecules, 24(21), 4001.

Tesniere C, Casalta E, Girardi Piva G, Pradal M, Vernhet A, Sablayrolles J-M, Salmon J-M (2019) Effets des lipides des bourbes sur la conduite des fermentations et la viabilité des levures. Revue Française d'Oenologie, 291 : 24-26.


Fayeulle N, Vallverdu-Queralt A, Meudec E, Hue C, Boulanger R, Cheynier V, Sommerer N. (2018) Characterization of new flavan-3-ol derivatives in fermented cocoa beans. Food Chem. 259: 207-212. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2018.03.133.

Martínez-Lapuente L, Apolinar-Valiente R, Guadalupe Z, Ayestarán B, Pérez-Magariño S, Williams P, Doco T. (2018) Polysaccharides, oligosaccharides and nitrogen compounds changes during the ageing of tempranillo and verdejo sparkling wines. J. Sc. Food Agricult. 98: 291-303. doi: 10.1002/jsfa.8470.

Mejia-Tamayo V, Nigen M, Apolinar-Valiente R, Doco T, Williams P, Renard D, Sanchez C. (2018) Volumetric properties of hyperbranched arabinogalactan-proteins from plant exudate. Colloids and Interfaces 2: 11.

Newair E, Kilmartin PA, Garcia F. (2018) Square wave voltammetric analysis of polyphenol content and antioxidant capacity of red wines using glassy carbon and disposable carbon nanotubes modified screen-printed electrodes. European Food Research and Technology,

Newair E, Nafady A, Abdel-Hamid R, Al-Enizi A.M., Garcia F. (2018) Mechanistic pathways and identification of the electrochemically generated oxidation products of flavonoid eriodictyol in the presence of glutathione. Electroanalysis,

Quijada-Morin N, Garcia F, Lambert K, Walker A-S, Tiers L, Viaud M, Sauvage F-X, Hirtz C, Saucier C. (2018) Strain effect on extracellular laccase activities from Botrytis cinerea. Aust. J. Grape and Wine Res. 24: 241-251.

Zerbib M, Mazauric J-P, Meudec E, Le Guernevé C, Lepak A, Nidetsky B, Cheynier V, Terrier N, Saucier C. (2018) New flavanol O-glycosides in grape and wine. Food Chem. In press (



Apolinar-Valiente R, Gómez-Plaza E, Terrier N, Doco N, Ros-García J-M (2017) The composition of cell walls from grape skin in Vitis vinifera intraspecific hybrids. J. Sc. Food Agricult. 97: 4029-4035. doi: 10.1002/jsfa.8270.

Ben Aziz M, Mouls L, Fulcrand H, Douieb H, Hajjaj H. (2017) Phenolic compounds of Moroccan red press wines: Influence of fining agents and micro-oxygenation treatments. LWT-Food Science and Technology 78: 143-150, ISSN: 0023-6438.

Ben Aziz M, Mouls L, Fulcrand H, Hajjaj H. (2017) Micro-oxygenation and fining agent treatments: impact on color of Moroccan red press wine. Journal of Food Chemistry & Nanotechnology 3: 38-43.

Boulet J-C, Trarieux C, Ducasse M-A, Cheynier V. (2017) Ultraviolet spectroscopy study of wine polyphenols and other major compounds. Aust J Grape Wine Res. 23: 193-199. doi:10.1111/ajgw.12265.

Brandão E, Santos Silva M, García-Estévez I, Williams P, Mateus N, Doco T, de Freitas V, Soares S. (2017) The role of wine polysaccharides on salivary protein-tannin interaction: a molecular approach. Carbohydr. Polymers. 177: 77-85.

Cheynier V, Halbwirth H, Stich K, Martens S. (2017) Special issue on Polyphenols. Planta 246, (sur invitation). doi: 10.1007/s00425-017-2745-1.

Cheynier V, Halbwirth H. (2017) Polyphenols: Physicochemical and biological properties and perspectives of their use in a zero waste society. J Agric Food Chem. 65: 6343-6345. doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.7b02056.

Deusher Z, Bonny JM, Cheynier V, Clerjon S, Devaux MF, Dupont D, Fonseca F, Guillon F, Jamme F, Le Feunteun S, Passot S, Réfrégiers M, Rogniaux H, Ropartz D, Vallverdu-Queralt A, Canon F. (2017) From the structure of the biomolecules to the cerebral picture of food: methods of investigation. Innov. Food Sci. Emerg. Technol. doi:10.1016/j.ifset.2017.10.003.

Ferreira-Lima N, Vallverdú-Queralt A, Meudec M, Pinasseau L, Verbaere A, Bordignon-Luiz M-T, Le Guernevé C, Cheynier V, Sommerer N. (2017) Quantification of hydroxycinnamic derivatives in wines by UPLC-MRM-MS. Anal Bioanal Chem.

García García M, Apolinar-Valiente R, Williams P, Esteve-Zarzoso B, Cabellos JM, Arroyo T, Doco T. (2017) Study of hyperbranched complex carbohydrates of Malvar white wines elaborated with Torulaspora delbrueckii CLI 918 and Saccharomyces cerevisiae CLI 889 native yeasts from D.O. “Vinos de Madrid”. J. Agric. Food Chem. 65: 6656-6664.

Gil M, Avila-Salas F, Santos LS, Iturmendi N, Moine V, Cheynier V, Saucier C. (2017) Rosé wine fining using polyvinylpolypyrrolidone: Colorimetry, targeted polyphenomics, and molecular dynamics simulations. J. Agric. Food Chem. 65: 10591-10597. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.7b04461.

Jegou S, Hoang DA, Salmon T, Williams P, Vrigneau C, Doco T, Marchal R. (2017) Impact of press fractioning on polysaccharide and oligosaccharide composition of Pinot meunier Champagne base wines. Food Chem. 232: 49-59.

Pinasseau L, Vallverdú-Queralt A, Verbaere A, Roques M, Meudec E, Le Cunff L, Peros J-P, Ageorges A, Sommerer N, Boulet J-C, Terrier N, Cheynier V. (2017) Cultivar diversity of grape skin polyphenol composition and changes in response to drought investigated by LC-MS based metabolomics. Frontiers in Plant Sci. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.01826.

Sanchez C, Nigen M, Mejia Tamayo V, Doco T, Williams P, Amine C, Renard D. (2017) Acacia senegal gum: History of the Future. Food Hydrocoll. 78: 140-160.

Vallverdú-Queralt A, Meudec M, Eder M, Lamuela-Raventos R, Sommerer N, Cheynier V. (2017) Targeted filtering reduces the complexity of routine UHPLC-HRMS data to decipher polyphenol polymerization. Food Chem. 227: 255-263.

Vallverdú-Queralt A, Meudec M, Eder M, Lamuela-Raventos R, Sommerer N, Cheynier V. (2017) The hidden face of wine polyphenol polymerization highlighted by high-resolution mass spectrometry. Chemistry Open 6: 336–339. doi: 10.1002/open.201700044.



Abdel-Hamid R, Newair E, Garcia F. (2016) Electroanalytical determination of luteolin in peanuts hulls using carbon black modified glassy carbon electrode. Brazilian Journal of Analytical Chemistry 4: 38-47.

Bontpart T, Marlin T, Vialet S, Guiraud J-L, Pinasseau L, Meudec E, Sommerer N, Cheynier V, Terrier N. (2016) Two shikimate dehydrogenases, VvSDH3 and VvSDH4, are involved in gallic acid biosynthesis. J. Exp. Bot. 67: 3537–3550. doi:10.1093/jxb/erw184.

Boulet J-C, Trarieux C, Ducasse M-A, Caille S, Williams P, Doco T, Cheynier V. (2016) The sensorial perception of astringency: simple prediction models based on polyphenols, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides. Food Chem. 190: 357–363.

Boulet J-C, Trarieux C, Souquet J-M, Ducasse M-A, Caille S, Samson A, Williams P, Doco T, Cheynier V. (2016) The sensorial perception of astringency: prediction models based on polyphenols, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides. Food Chem. 190: 357–363.

Dimopoulou M, Bardeau T, Ramonet P.Y., Miot-Certier C, Claisse O, Doco T, Petrel M, Lucas P, Dols-Lafargue M. (2016) Exopolysaccharides produced by Oenococcus oeni: from genomic and phenotypic analysis to technological valorization. Food Microbio. 53: 10-17.

Ferreira-Lima N, Vallverdú-Queralt A, Meudec M, Mazauric JP, Sommerer N, Bordignon-Luiz MT, Cheynier V, Le Guernevé C. (2016) Synthesis, identification, and structure elucidation of adducts formed by reactions of hydroxycinnamic acids with glutathione or cysteinylglycine. J. Nat Prod. 79: 2211–2222. doi: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.6b00279.

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Date de modification : 17 juillet 2023 | Date de création : 17 janvier 2018 | Rédaction : communication